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 Britanna Physiotherapy Clinic

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Premier In Medicare

What is Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy is a unique treatment, which is generally used to cure people suffering from pain because of an illness, injury, or disability. It also promotes good health and fitness. Physiotherapy or physical therapy is designed with the help of the science of movement. Apart from helping you overcome the pain, it can also help you expand your physical strength and get rid of any dysfunction caused by an injury.

The benefits of physiotherapy are many, and the best part is that it is suitable for all age groups. It promotes safe management of your illness and lets you lead an independent life, post-treatment.

It is important to understand that physiotherapy is not all about exercise. Physiotherapy is a degree-based profession that falls under medicine. Your physiotherapists come with immense amounts of skill and are highly qualified.

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Advantages of physiotherapy


  • No more pain: The greatest advantage of physiotherapy is that you will no longer have to rely on medications or painkillers to get rid of your pain. Here, the therapist will help you with various exercises, such as joint and soft tissue mobilization. These techniques and treatments, help overcome the pain and restore muscle movement. These therapies also prevent the pain from making a comeback.


  • No Surgery:  Your physiotherapist will do their best to help avoid surgery and, in most cases, they are successful. With the help of therapy, you can eliminate the severe pain and even heal from the injury you have sustained. So, when therapy does the job of the surgery, you will not have to go through an operation. However, in some cases, surgery becomes a must. But, with the help of pre-surgery and post-surgery physical therapy, you can benefit tremendously. How? When you are in better shape, you will recover faster and when you practice therapy post-surgery, you will be able to get back to your normal shape faster.

  • Improvement in mobility:  Regardless of your age, sometimes you may have problems standing, walking, or even moving. Here, physical therapy can help. Your therapist will formulate a plan according to your needs. With certain strengthening and stretching exercises, you can improve your mobility.

  • Recovering from a stroke:  When one suffers from a stroke, they tend to lose some degree of function, balance, and movement. With the help of physical therapy, patients can strengthen the weakened parts of their bodies. Also, they can rectify their balance and improve their movement. The therapists will help the patients achieve independence even after suffering from a stroke.

  • Recovery from a sports injury:  Playing professional sports puts you at risk of injury. It is inevitable, such as stress fractures in distance runners. With the help of physical therapy, you can control the injury and prevent it with the help of physical therapy. Hence, you will be able to make a safe return to your sport.

Treatment which we provide At Britanna Medicare


  • Therapeutic Massage

  • Manual Therapy

  • Exercise Prescription

  • Posture Correction and improvement

  • Ultrasound Therapy

  • EMS therapy

  • Knee CPM Therapy

  • Shoulder and Elbow CPM Therapy

  • Spinal Traction Therapy

  • Vacuum Cup Therapy

  • Infra-Red Therapy

  • Kinesio Taping

  • Massage Gun Vibration Therapy

  • Head Massage Therapy

  • Walking training Stairs

  • Balance Training

  • Prenatal Exercise

  • Post-natal Exercise

  • Resistance tube Therapy

  • Strength Training

Physiotherapy for Pain Management


Britanna Medicare Physiotherapy unit is prepared to treat many pain conditions. Very commonly treated conditions are back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, and headaches.

In the management of pain, physiotherapists play a vital task. There are two types of pain which are acute and chronic pain after thorough examination physiotherapists can provide you with a treatment plan.

Physiotherapy treatment can be varied according to the patient's requirement these are some of the treatment methods, soft tissue massage, stretching to relieve tension, joint mobilizations, electrotherapy, corrective exercise, and posture awareness.


Pain Conditions we treat commonly.


  • Back Pain

  • Lower Back Pain

  • Neck Pain

  • Shoulder Pain

  • Nerve Pain

  • Pelvic Pain

  • Hip Pain

  • Knee Pain

  • Joint Pain

  • Muscle Pain

  • Chest and Rib Pain


Understanding the pain is very important to determine the treatment methods.


Acute Pain: Short-term pain act as an alarm to indicate use that something is wrong. Minor pains are very easily treated and quickly forgotten. A physiotherapy assessment is necessary to determine the seriousness of the pain.

Chronic Pain:  when pain takes beyond the normal time that tissue takes to heal following an injury. Normally a tissue injury heals within few weeks but in some cases, it may take few months to heal up. If pain continues for more than 3-6 months to heal physiotherapists categories as Chronic Pain.

Physiotherapy for Knee Arthritis

Painful knee arthritis can keep you away from being active. You may not walk as much. You may avoid going up and downstairs. But when you do not move that knee as much, the ligaments, tendons, and muscles around it can shorten and get weaker. The movement of the knee pumps fluid in and out of the joint space, which helps the knee stay healthy. When you do not move as much, you may lose some of that natural pump action.


How can physiotherapy help knee arthritis?

The goal of physiotherapy is to make daily tasks and activities easier. For example, it may help with walking, going upstairs, or getting in and out of bed.

Physiotherapists provide treatments you may need when knee pain makes it hard to move around and do everyday tasks. These treatments may help you move better and relieve pain.

You might only be able to have a couple of visits with a physiotherapist. But you can learn a lot, including:

  • How your knee works and what arthritis does to the joint.

  • Ways to put less stress on your knee, such as carrying lighter loads, losing extra weight, or using a cane.

  • How to use heat or cold at home to help your pain.

  • Ideas for activities and exercises that will make your knee stronger.

How does physiotherapy for knee arthritis work?

After examining your knee, the physiotherapist will work with you to make a treatment plan that fits your exact problem and your needs. The goal is to reduce your pain and swelling and increase your flexibility, strength, balance, and endurance.

Your therapist may use:

  • Manual therapy. Manual therapy includes massage and manipulation.

  • Ultrasound. This uses sound waves to treat muscle spasms and pain.

  • Electrical stimulation. This uses a mild electrical current to treat pain.


He or she may also use heat and cold and may teach you how to use these techniques.

Physiotherapy almost always includes exercise. It can include stretching, doing core exercises, building strength, and walking. A strong core and hip muscles can help control knee pain and make you more able to be active. Your therapist will also teach you exercises that you can do at home. A physiotherapist can suggest types of knee braces that can help you.

Physiotherapy during Pre and Post Pregnancy



Why pregnant women should do physiotherapy?


As a result of pregnancy physical changes to a women’s body is plenty. The mass change puts huge pressure on the organs and increases the weight to be carried during the pregnancy. Which all of this could lead to back pain, Pelvic pain, and inconsistency in urination.


Pre-Pregnancy Physio-Care at Britanna Medicare



How can physiotherapy help during the pregnancy period?

Physiotherapy sessions during the period of pregnancy and certainly help you overcome discomfort like back pain and improve your body to have an easier and smoother pregnancy and birth.


Why should you visit a physiotherapist in pregnancy?

  • Physiotherapy in pregnancy can teach women key exercises, that will strengthen the pelvic floor in preparation for childbirth.

  • A physiotherapist can help them prepare their body for pregnancy.

  • One of the main training methods to prevent or treat back pain will be core stability training.

  • During sessions, physiotherapists can help teach women how to push effectively during childbirth, push correctly will reduce the chance of pelvic floor trauma.




Post Pregnancy Physio-Care at Britanna Medicare


When you are pregnant and after you have given birth, you need extra care. Changing hormone levels cause supporting ligaments to soften and become more- stretchy during pregnancy and for up to six months after birth. Your tummy and your pelvic floor muscles stretch with the growth and the birth of your baby. With the joints not well supported, it is easy to injure your back or pelvis.


This is how we treat common complications experienced by women during pregnancy.


1) Low back Pain: The most common condition experienced during pregnancy is low back pain, which increases after the third trimester as the center of gravity shifts due to stomach size. This can be treated with manual and passive Physiotherapy, back support, postural education, and some Pilates exercises.


2) Pain in the sacroiliac joint: These joints are present in the lowest region of the lower back. This pain is usually concentrated in the buttock region. During pregnancy, due to excessive hormone release, the body s connective tissues tend to relax so that the muscles can stretch to aid in delivery. This may cause the sacroiliac muscles and ligaments to become more mobile, causing extreme joint movements.

3) Urinary incontinence (due to pelvic floor weakness): Due to hormonal changes, the muscle of the pelvic floor relaxes to make it supple and ready for delivery. Therefore, these muscles can weaken and strain during pregnancy and childbirth, which leads to urinary incontinence and pelvic floor dysfunction. Physiotherapists help you in strengthening the Pelvic floor muscles with strengthening exercises and Pilates-based exercise programs also help reduce muscle weakness that may occur after childbirth.

4) Sciatica: Continuous pressure or strain on the sciatic nerve can lead to backache and weakness, numbness, and tingling in the leg or associated areas. Physiotherapy uses stretching exercises and manual therapy to relieve you of these symptoms.

5) Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: The build-up of excessive fluid results in swelling in the carpal tunnel in the wrist. You may experience symptoms like pain, numbness, tingling, and lots of coordination in your hands and fingers. Physiotherapy techniques such as mobilization, strengthening exercises, stretching and the use of electric modalities will help reduce these symptoms.

6) Abdominal Muscle assessment: The presence of a Rectus Abdominis Diastasis (RAD) will be determined, which means whether or not your ‘six-pack muscles’ and the connective tissue in the midline, has returned to normal after being stretched in pregnancy.

Sports Injury Rehabilitation


Sports injury rehabilitation is decided to treat patients who have undergone a sporting injury. There are few setups to follow to make a full recovery depending on the injury you have sustained. They are Strengthening Exercises, Mobilizing, pain relief, and functional skills. At Britanna Medicare Physiotherapy unit will bring you a fully customized program to suit your individual needs


Benefits of Sports injury rehabilitation


  • Restoring normal functioning as soon as possible

  • Faster Recovery

  • Strengthening weakens muscles.

  • Reducing pain and inflammation

  • Maintaining Cardiovascular Fitness

  • Saving you from future injuries


How do sports injury rehabilitation help?


Our team will help you to achieve recovery as follow.


  • Breaking down scar tissue and promote healing.

  • Stretching muscles and ligaments to increase the range that it can move.

  • Relieve and stiffness.

  • Removing chemicals in the injured area causes pain.

  • Build up the weakened muscles.

Reasons to see a Physiotherapist



There are several reasons you might see a physiotherapist. Sometimes your doctor will refer you in order to address a specific injury or condition. Other times you will go on your own and get physical therapy.

Some of the most common reasons people see a physiotherapist include:

  • Illness: After a prolonged illness or during/after an illness that impacts mobility, balance, or motor skills.

  • Chronic health condition: Some chronic health conditions like diabetes can impact mobility and balance.

  • Following surgery: After surgery, getting up and moving is an important part of the healing process. If a body part such as a hand, foot, or back were affected, physiotherapy can help the patient regain use or compensate.

  • Injury: Injuries that leave the patient with a lot of pain or the inability to move can often be addressed through physiotherapy.

  • Aging: As people age, they experience changes in their bodies that impact movement and function. Physiotherapy can help them regain some of that function or teach them how to work with the loss.

  • Major health crisis: Heart attack, stroke, traumatic brain injury, and other health crises can leave a person with great difficulties in normal everyday function. Physiotherapy can help patients regain some or all of their functions.

  • Improved physical performance: Athletes or even just patients who want to perform better in their fitness pursuits may turn to physiotherapy to learn strategies for maximizing the body’s potential for performance.

  • General wellness: Patients may begin physiotherapy to counteract the effects of aging, learn skills for staying mobile and healthy, and staying flexible.

What to expect at a Physiotherapy Clinic?


When you make an appointment with a physiotherapist you will probably be asked to wear comfortable, loose clothing and shoes with good support (like athletic shoes). That is because you will likely engage in some physical movement.


At the first appointment, the physiotherapist will review your records and get a complete medical history, looking at any X-rays and other tests you may have. They will ask you questions about your medical history, lifestyle, and the illness or injury that they are treating. It is important to be completely honest with your responses.


You will likely be asked to walk, bend, and other simple tasks that allow them to assess your physical capabilities and limitations. They will then discuss a customized physical therapy program with you.


At follow-up appointments, you will usually have certain exercises or movements that you will be asked to perform. The activities that you do during your physiotherapy are part of the program that they created just for you to help you reach your wellness and recovery goals.

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